“In opening minds to different ideas, different perspectives, different ways of seeing life, then we create more possibilities for greater understanding, a mentally healthier community in many ways,” says Kitiana Chute, co-organiser of TEDxNadi.
Launched in 2009, TEDx is a program of locally-organised events around the world that bring communities together to share experiences. TEDxNadi will be the first in Fiji’s gateway town.
The event will feature seven local voices under the theme Think, Act & Live Differently.
“This we believe, creates a more inclusive, sustainable society where more people thrive, making Nadi an even greater place in which to live and work,” says Chute.
“Nadi is well positioned as the main arrival destination and airport for Fiji and our town is becoming ever more diverse,” Chute adds.
“The global technological landscape may have been changing at an exponential rate for some years now but communities take time to develop and strengthen to become sustainable and regular events like TEDx can play a strategic role in this.”
TEDx speaker coach, Janie Lazar, who has worked with various TEDx events globally, has been in Fiji for the past few months to train TEDxNadi speakers.
The event will take place on February 22 at Life Cinema in Martintar, Nadi from 7pm-9pm.